The Precious Gift of Time

This summer I did something I hadn’t done since I was young. I went on vacation for a whole week with my family, sisters, our children and grandchildren! It was so wonderful to cook together, play, laugh, dance, and just sit and have long conversations. Everyone was so generous, bringing food and projects for the little ones, and listening. It was delicious for the heart and soul.

Many of the kids had never met one another and now have cousins to share life with. We rented a home on a lake in Wisconsin, close enough for extended family and friends to visit as well; and we hosted a HUGE family reunion over the weekend. It was outstanding. Below is a photo of our huge, wonderful family and close friends.

Recently we had a tragedy, my oldest sister died. Words cannot express my heartache for the loss, but also my gratitude that we had made one another a priority. My loss is wanting more time… but we don’t get to choose that. I have missed opportunities in the past, held onto petty hurts, and lost too many years. I’ve learned to move forward with more kindness for myself and others. My commitment is to have better balance in my life between work and time with those I love.

My sister’s oldest daughter and my inspiring niece also lost her love of 20 years. He died suddenly—so much loss, so quickly! She is focusing on all the love they shared and the joy he brought her. She is having a Friend Grieving Party to gather support and compassion around her. Lisette is cooking up a feast and filling her home with tears, laughter, hugs, music, dancing, and stories. I’m so proud of her courage.

Below is a link to an article about “Life’s Biggest Regrets” from the perspective of an end-of-life caregiver. It’s a good reminder to all of us to choose to live more fully. Click here to read:

Health and Wellness magazine: "Life's Biggest Regrets"

Research now shows that people who have friends and community live longer and healthier. It is the number one factor! It’s not diet or exercise, meditating or supplements. It’s about love and community. I’m blessed with a full heart. Grief is the price we pay for loving, and it’s worth it.

My prayer for you, is to do something for yourself that fills your heart this holiday season. It’s not about buying things, but about doing something with those you love or miss. Because life is precious and short.

So be brave and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

“Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, sorrow.
But if we are wise, we know that there is always tomorrow.
Lean on me when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend.
I’ll help you carry on, for it won’t be long before
I need someone to lean on.

Emily Garcia