Learning to Walk, Not Run

Recently I pulled a muscle in my back from moving too quickly. I was moving furniture and staging a home for folks I care a lot about. I had also just started training to ride in the Santa Fe Century. It was too much. My injury put me out of commission for anything other than walking. Those of you who have spent time with me, know that I don’t walk; I run, I hike and I move quickly, being busy “doing” many “important” things.

My body worker told me to WALK after he realigned me. That evening I watched a TedX talk by Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, who talked about walking for 2–30 minutes a day when you first wake up.This is not necessarily for exercise, rather to allow your body, eyes, brain, and nervous system to align with the sun and earth. Science shows that generating forward motion creates optic and auditory flow, which quiets the nervous system and reduces anxiety, and feeds mental and physical health in every cell of your body. Watch or read Dr. Andrew Huberman’s material to learn more. I was inspired and heard the repeated message coming my way. Here’s a link to a 12 minute video.


Today I woke up at 6:19 am, sunrise, got up, dressed and walked for 13 minutes. Just walking and listening to the birds. Feeling this new day was so nurturing! It was nice to walk without purpose and to move more gently. I am committed to giving this a try.

I’m in a chapter of my life with better work/play balance. I am no longer staying in the office until 2 am in the morning or working 21 days straight. I am sleeping better and I'm happier. I have a great team I trust, and we take care of each other. And I am taking better care of myself, so learning these new ideas is exciting.

Walking is something most of us can do. It's not necessary to run a triathlon or bike a century. Perhaps being quietly in nature and allowing space for inspiration and ease will help me, and perhaps you. We simply have to make it a priority and be disciplined about it. Two minutes, a few deep breaths…

Andrew has many other suggestions to live in better balance; one should drink lots of water and wait two hours before drinking coffee or eating, allowing your body to wake up before stimulating it. He spoke how it’s healthy to exercise for one hour daily, and to try to go to bed at the same time. These are not new ideas, but for me it was the right time to really hear them.  I believe these things will feed me, will give me greater balance, inspire solutions, ideas, health and best of all peace.

My grandmother used to wake up and put her feet on earth to “feel” the day. This is along the same lines. I can feel my abuelita smiling, as I step outside and look up at the sun and say hello. She lived a radiant life; dancing while she cooked, loving her husband and family to the fullest. I feel like I’m coming back home to myself, by walking with the sunrise.

Times are hard. Even though COVID cases are declining, and restrictions are lifting, it's still a challenging time for all of us. Fresh air and walking can improve your mental and physical health, and feed your soul.

"An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day."

Emily Garcia